
Welcome To Bais Mordechai

The hope of this site is to be educational and inspirational. I see the Torah as an instruction manual given to us by a benevolent Father in heaven to help us navigate our lives, with stories and examples for us to learn from.
BIBLE = Book of Instruction By which to Live on Earth
FROG = Forever Rely On G-d
Frogs only jump forward not backward. So too must we continue to move forward in our quest for spirituality and contentment.

This Weeks Torah Portion

Bereishit NC1

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12 years ago
Introduction to the portion of Bereishis

Bereishit NC2

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12 years ago
Chp. 1 verses 1 - 5: Hashem creates heaven and earth. The earth is empty and void and darkness covers the face of the water. G-d commands that there be light, and there was. He saw that the light was good, and He separated between the light and the darkness. He called the light day and to the darkness he called night. It was evening and morning one day.

Bereishit NC3

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12 years ago
Chp. 1 verses 6 - 23: On the second day G-d arranged the "rokiah" firmament, to separate between the heavenly and earthly waters. The third day He gathered all the earthly waters allowing the dry land to be visible. On the fourth day He created the sun and the moon and all the hosts of the sky. Then on the fifth day He created all sea life and the birds.

Bereishit NC4

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12 years ago
Chp. 1 verse 24 - 31: On the sixth day G-d created reptiles and animals. He then created man in His image to subdue and have dominion over everything in creation. G-d looked and saw, that everything that He made was very good and it was evening and morning of the sixth day.

Bereishit NC5

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12 years ago
Chp. 2 verses 1 - 9: On the seventh day of creation, Hashem rested from His work, and sanctified the seventh day as the Shabbos. He did not allow all plant life to grow until Adam prayed for rain. Hashem creates man and places him in the garden of Eden to live. He is told by G-d that he may eat of all the trees in the garden except the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Bereishit NC6

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12 years ago
Chp. 2 verses 10 - 25: begins with the four rivers that flowed from the garden. Hashem commands Adam not to eat from the tree of life and knowledge. Adam names all the animals. G-d creates a mate for Adam from his rib. He names her woman since she came from man.

Bereishit NC7

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12 years ago
Chp. 3 verses 1 - 21: We are now introduced to the serpent. He convinces her that it was good to eat from the tree of knowledge, and she also gives Adam to eat from the fruit. G-d asks Adam if he ate from the tree, he blames the woman. She blames the serpent. Hashem doesn't question the serpent He just punishes him. He then tells man and woman what their punishment would be. Adam names woman Chavah. G-d makes clothing for them.

Bereishit NC8

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12 years ago
Chp. 3 verse 22 - Chp. 4 verse 18: Hashem drives them out of the garden. He places a fiery angel at the entrance to guard it. Chp. 4, Chavah gives birth to Kayin and Hevel. They both bring offerings to G-d, but only Hevel's is accepted. Kayin is despondent and kills Hevel. G-d punishes him with being a wanderer for seven generations. He has a son whom he names Chanoch.

Bereishit NC9

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12 years ago
Chp. 4 verse 19 - Chp. 6 verse 8: Lemech kills Kayin. Adam and Chavah give birth to a third son Sheis, as well as additional children. Mankind grows from generation to generation and their numbers increase. There are ten generations from Adam until Noach, which include two righteous individuals, Chanoch and Mesushelech. However, mankind turns evil and practiced immorality and violence. Noach however found favor in G-d's eyes.

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