1 day ago
381 My Thoughts A deeper understanding of the Amidah 22. This lecture will examine prayers that are recited as the chazzan repeats the Amidah. Kedusah, Modem D'Rabanan, and the Ya'aleh V'yavo.
1 week ago
380 My Thoughts a deeper understanding of the Amidah 21. This lecture will examine the concluding words that were added to the 18/19 blessings of the Amidah by sages. This prayer was authored by Mar ben Ravina.
2 weeks ago
379 My Thoughts, a deeper understanding of the Amidah. An in depth discussion of the 19th blessing of the Amidah.
4 weeks ago
378 My Thoughts a deeper understanding of the Amidah 19. An in depth discussion of the 18 blessing in the Amidah.
1 month ago
377 My thoughts a deeper understanding of the Amidah 18. An in depth discussion of the 17th blessing in the Amidah
1 month ago
376 My thoughts a deeper understanding of the Amidah 17. An in depth discussion of the 16th prayer in Amidah.
1 month ago
375 A deeper understanding of the Amidah 16. An in depth discussion of the 15th prayer in the Amidah.
1 month ago
374 My Thoughts a deeper understanding of the Amidah 15. An in depth discussion of the 14th prayer in the Amidah.
2 months ago
373 My Thoughts, a deeper understanding of the Amidah 14. An in depth discussion of the 13th prayer in the Amidah prayer.
2 months ago
372 My Thoughts, a deeper understanding of the Amidah 13. An in depth discussion of the 12th blessing in the Amidah.
2 months ago
371 My Thoughts A deeper understanding of the Amidah 12. An in depth discussion of the 11th blessing in the Amidah.
2 months ago
370 My Thoughts, a in depth discussion of the 10th blessing in the Amidah " Sound the Great Shofar."
3 months ago
My Thoughts 369, a deeper understanding of the Amidah 10. The series continues with the 9th blessing Barech Aua Laynu, " to bless on our behalf."
1 year ago
My Thoughts 315, The year 2023. A look at this year in the Jewish calendar and how it connects to our modern day Gregorian calender. Why are we redoing the calendar?
2 years ago
My Thoughts 277 The Three Weeks. A thought on the three week period between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av. A time of misery and destruction for the Jewish Nation throughout history.
1 year ago
My Thoughts 317, Is it a 6 or is it a 9. The Number 6 alludes to falsehood, and the number 9 alludes to truth. How do we ascertain whether a statement is a 6 or a 9?
4 months ago
368 My Thoughts, a deeper understanding of the Amidah 9. This is the 8th blessing and the 4th of the personal requests. A prayer for good health!
4 months ago
My Thoughts 367 a deeper understanding of the Amidah 8. Re'eh naw, A lecture on the the 7th blessing in the Amidah and the 4th of the requests.
4 months ago
366 My Thoughts A deeper understanding of the amidah 7. The series continues with the 6th blessing, Selach Lawnu, " To forgive us."
5 months ago
My Thoughts 365 A deeper understanding of the Amidah 6. A continuation of the blessings in the Amidah with the 5th blessing in the prayer. A prayer of repentance.
5 months ago
363 My Thoughts a deeper understanding of the Amidah 4. This lecture concludes the first three blessings of the Amidah that express the praise of God. The blessing of ATAH KADOSH!
5 months ago
362 My Thoughts, a deeper understanding of the Amidah 3. Continuing with the second blessing in the Amidah.
5 months ago
361 My Thoughts a deeper understanding of the Amidah 2. This series begins with the first of the blessings of the Amidah, Mogen Avraham, the Shield of Abraham!
9 months ago
My Thoughts 348 a deeper understanding of the Tabernacle. This lecture finishes our virtual tour of the Mishkan, with the Kiyor, the " Washbasin." We also discuss the crowns and the silver beams. The Thought ends with a comparison between the creation of the world and the construction of the Mishkan!
9 months ago
My Thoughts 347 A deeper understanding of the Tabernacle 6. A deeper look at the Curtains and the Copper Altar and their symbolism!
9 months ago
346 My Thoughts, a deeper understanding of the Tabernacle, 5. This lecture is a continuation of the Mishkan. It focuses on the Golden Altar, where the incense offering was brought in the Tabernacle!
10 months ago
My thoughts 345, A deeper understanding of the Tabernacle. This lecture continues with the Menorah that stood on the south side of the Mishkan and all of the deeper meanings and symbolisms!
10 months ago
My Thoughts 343 A Deeper understanding of the Tabernacle. The first item that was made was the Ark, Why? Next item mentioned are the poles, and then the cover with the Cherubim. The child like figures that rested on the cover of the Ark!
11 months ago
339 My Thoughts Understanding the Plagues. A further examination of the Plagues that God brought upon Pharaoh, the Egyptians, and the land of Egypt!
11 months ago
338 Understanding the plagues 1. A deeper discussion of the plagues and their intent!
1 year ago
My thoughts 304 What Exactly was their Sin? A continuation of last weeks My thoughts. This second part hopefully answers the question, What was their sin?
1 year ago
301 The greatest miracle in the desert 2, a continuation about the MANN and all that it taught the nation about themselves and their relationship to God!
2 years ago
282 The month of Elul again 2: A continuation of last weeks My Thoughts, about the special month of Elul and our quest for teshuvah and forgiveness!
2 years ago
275 The spies part 2: A continuation of the story of the spies and the 40 years that the nation traveled in the desert and their relevance to Jewish history.
2 years ago
274 The Spies, part 1: This lecture examines the incident of the spies that were sent by Moshe to travel the land and to bring back information on what they observed.
2 years ago
268 Kosher 2, Continuing with the laws of kosher animals. The pig the only animal that has split hooves and does not chew its cud. Next a discussion about fish, birds, insects and reptiles. Reasons given for all these laws but in the end they are all THE WILL OF GOD!
2 years ago
267 Kosher 1: A thought on the laws, the reasons, and commands to eat or not eat certain animals. What does chewing its cud and split hooves signify?
2 years ago
266 Nothing is an Accident 2. This My Thought is about a true story that i experienced recently!
1 day ago
5 months ago
My Thoughts 360 Blinded but why? A look at the assassination attempt on President Trump's life from a Torah perspective!
6 months ago
359 My Thoughts, A deeper understanding of the Amidah. This lecture is an introduction to the Amidah prayer that we recite 3 times daily!
6 months ago
358 My Thoughts A special blessing in prayers. A deeper understanding of the 11th blessing in the Amidah, the standing prayer!
6 months ago
357 My Thoughts Two necessities for Success. A discussion of the importance of having an I. V. Intelligence and Vision, in all facets of life!
6 months ago
My Thoughts 356 What is the worst sin? A discussion on the sin of Loshon harah, " Talebearing." The history and the consequences of the transgression.
7 months ago
355 Why all the Hatred? Why do we hate ourselves so much. A look at the history of the Jews and the pain that we have caused each other! even today it still continues.
7 months ago
354 Planting seeds, a lecture on the rewards that God Almighty keeps for us in His treasury vault. How all the dots connect the long hand of time!
7 months ago
353 My Thoughts, What can we learn from having Children? A discussion about the benefits that we receive by bringing up our children. More than we bring up our children, we bring up ourselves!
8 months ago
352 What we can learn from a baby in the womb. A lecture on the transition from the womb into this world and the transition from this world into eternity. Does death really exist or is it just a continuation of life in another form?
8 months ago
351 My Thoughts, What is in a Face. An closer examination as to what the words PANIM EL PANIM " Face to face," means in Moshe's interaction with God and also how it connects with our relationship as well!
8 months ago
350 My Thoughts From the River to the Sea. Though these words seem quite negative, in reality these words are a blessing from God our father in heaven, may them come true quickly!
9 months ago
349 My Thoughts A prayer for salvation on Passover. Some thoughts about the situation that we find ourselves in today. A story that may help us to connect to the holiday and to our father in heaven.
10 months ago
344 My Thoughts A deeper understanding of the Tabernacle. The thought begins with a continuation of the Cherubim. It then goes on to discuss the Shulchan, the Golden Table.
10 months ago
342 My Thoughts a deeper understanding of the Tabernacle. The question when and why was there a command from God to build a Mishkan? A description of the Ark its dimensions how it was constructed, the cover and the poles of the Ark.
10 months ago
341 My Thoughts, Is it appropriate for us to be happy in today's world? A lecture delivered on the Shabbat on the portion of Tetzaveh. What is the answer to my question?
11 months ago
My Thoughts 340 Miracles. An examination of what we call miracles or not. In addition to the question do miracles create believers?
11 months ago
337 My Thoughts, understanding the plagues and signs. An examination of the signs that Moshe performed before God, the Children of Israel, and Pharaoh and their symbolism.
11 months ago
My Thoughts 336 Israel my firstborn son. An examination of the relationship that exists between God Almighty and the Children of Israel.
1 year ago
335 My thoughts, The mountain. An examination of the challenges and addictions that we face in life, the mountains that we all must climb!
1 year ago
334 My thoughts, The Messiah what if? A discussion about all the WHAT IF's that can be connected to the coming of the Messiah!
1 year ago
My Thoughts 333, serve God always in all ways. An examination of how we can serve God not just in the synagogue or study hall but in everything that we do or say in life!
1 year ago
332 People, a look at the relationships that we share with other people.
1 year ago
331 My Thoughts, Apologize. An examination of the proper way to Apologize. Not only with words, but also with body language!
1 year ago
My Thoughts 330 Wisdom. A view of wisdom connected to age and experience and wisdom that is given as a gift from God!
1 year ago
329 Water and Torah. A comparison of the benefits and necessity of water and Torah in our lives!
1 year ago
My Thoughts, a picture in time. Where do we want to live in our picture of life above the grass or below the grass?
1 year ago
My Thoughts 327 Motivation to serve. An examination as to what is our motivation in serving God. Also, a look at what motivates Hamas and the Israeli nation in their struggle!
1 year ago
326 My Thoughts A wake up call. All events in our lives have a purpose we just need to find it!
1 year ago
325 My Thoughts, Is this the coming of the Messiah? A look at the world today after the Massacre by Hamas is this the beginning of the coming of the Messiah!
1 year ago
324 My Thoughts When you go out to Battle. A lecture on the constant battle that we must wage against out Evil inclination.
1 year ago
My Thoughts 323 Are you really sorry? A n examination of whether one would want a quick death without pain and suffering or a deathbed experience over time?
1 year ago
322 Can we slow down time? An examination of time and how we use and perceive it.
1 year ago
My Thoughts 321, A lesson learned from a story. One should always remember to thank not only the messenger but also the benefactor. Comparing God to the husband in the story!
1 year ago
My thoughts 320 Appreciation. A continuation of the thought, " expect nothing and appreciate everything!"
1 year ago
My thoughts Expectations, a great motto in life, " Expect nothing and appreciate everything!"
1 year ago
My Thoughts 318 A Mountain, a field, and a Tent. A discussion as to how these three descriptions connect to our forefathers.
1 year ago
My Thoughts 316 The Stars, the Sands, and the Earth. An examination as to why God chose to compare the Children of Israel to the stars, the sands, and the earth?
1 year ago
My thoughts 314, the Nazarite. An examination of the requirements and restrictions of a person who takes a vow to become a Nazir for at least 30 days!
1 year ago
313 Music in Judaism, how music and song connect to our service of God and prayer
1 year ago
My Thoughts 312 the Sabbatical year. An examination of the Sabbatical year, and all that it teaches us even today.
1 year ago
My thoughts 311, 24/7. A look at our obligation to serve God 24/7 the why's and the what's!
1 year ago
My Thoughts 310, Can you prove that God loves us? An examination of the the Leper and the Sotah, two scenarios in the Torah that prove that God as a benevolent father loves us dearly!
1 year ago
309 Counting the Omer. A closer look as to what is the origin of the counting and why we count 49 days of the Omer.
1 year ago
308 Dealing with Disappointment. A personal story about disappointment and how my wife and i dealt with the situation! Lessons that we learned.
1 year ago
My Thoughts 306 Proof that there is a God. The Torah ends with the words." Before the eyes of all Israel. 2 to 3 million people witnessed the miracles of God daily while they journeyed in the desert for the 40 years!
1 year ago
305 Impatience. Though this trait is not a sin it was the beginning of man sinning against God. We see view this trait in many other scenarios which brought about negative results, such as with the Golden Calf and Korach! In addition to being a challenge to marriage.
1 year ago
303 What exactly was their sin? The first part of an examination of the incident involving the worshiping of the Golden Calf!
1 year ago
302 Skeletons in the closet. Though we sin, no matter how grievously still we need to know with complete certainty that their is no sin that God will not forgive us for with proper Teshuvah, " repentance."
1 year ago
My Thoughts 300, The greatest miracle in the desert. The Jews in the desert were surrounded with miracles, but there was no greater miracle or test than the MANN. This will be a two part lecture.
1 year ago
My Thoughts 299 We will do and we will listen. An examination of the words that the Jewish Nation spoke at Mt. Sinai when they accepted the Torah from God. also a look at the marriage that occurred between God and the nation of Israel.
1 year ago
298 Can a Businessman learn from Judaism? A comparison of the world of business and its' relevance to the world of Orthodox Judaism!
1 year ago
297 Buy a lottery ticket. As crazy as it seems buy a lottery ticket, you can't lose!
2 years ago
296 Are you happy with who you are? A look at the internal versus the internal with regard to sex and personality.
2 years ago
My Thoughts 295, The origin of the name Jew. an examination of the name Jew and the person JUDAH from where the name originates.
2 years ago
294 Did Yosef really forgive his brothers. A in depth look at the whole scenario of Yosef being sold and how and why certain events occurred to that God's design could be created.
2 years ago
293 An Open Book. How does the story of your life read? Lessons learned from skiing that connect to life and religion. How will our book end?
2 years ago
2 years ago
291 The Morning After: A thought about what must have transpired between Yaakov and Leah " The Morning After" their wedding night, and that we learn from this story!
2 years ago
290 Understanding Three Mitzvoth. An examination of three mitzvoth that at first glance challenge our logic and reason
2 years ago
289 My thoughts, The Gambler, a song that gives us some good advice about how we should live our lives!
2 years ago
288 Why no Warning? Why was there no Warning from God to the residents of Sodom and Amorah before He destroyed them?
2 years ago
My Thoughts 287 Rainbow: An examination as to why God chose a rainbow as a sign that He would never destroy His world again with a flood!
2 years ago
286 Noach,My thoughts as to who Noach was and why he may not have been able to influence even one individual in his generation.
2 years ago
285 Three questions in prayers. An examination of three prayers that are relevant all through the year!
2 years ago
284 Why Happiness on Succot? What is so special about Succot that the Torah mentions JOY 3 times whereas with Pesach there is no mention of joy and with Shavuot joy is only mentioned once!
2 years ago
283 Practical tips on the holiday. Some ideas of how to approach the Yom Ha Din the day of Judgment with certain mitzvoth that we may help us to have our prayers accepted by God our Father!
2 years ago
281, The Month of Elul Again. A lecture on preparing ourselves for the upcoming days of Awe, the High Holidays. How do we repent?
2 years ago
280 Write it Down. A lecture on the importance of writing things down.
2 years ago
279 Balak. Why would the sages name a portion in the Torah after Balak? Why not Billaam? What do we learn from all of this?
2 years ago
278 Tisha B'Av, (We the People). A thought about the fast of the 9th day of the month of Av!
2 years ago
276 My Thoughts Korach, A lesson for all of us to learn about ego and TMI
2 years ago
272 The Book with only two verses in the Torah. In this Thought i discuss the Two verses that we recite during our services when we remove and return the Torah Scroll to the Ark.
2 years ago
272 Torah what's in a word. A thought about the word BAMIDBAR, and what we can learn from just one word in Torah.
272 Torah what's in a word. A thought about the word BAMIDBAR, and what we can learn from just one word in Torah.
2 years ago
271 Torah the Key for Life. In the Torah God commands us to CHAI B'HEM, that we should live through them. What does that actually mean?
2 years ago
269 The Book of Ruth. A discussion as to why we read the Book of Ruth on the holiday of Shavuoth!
2 years ago
265 Reflections after Passover, a lecture on the concept of asking and answering questions. Why do we use the middle, Levi matzah for the Afikomin?
2 years ago
2 years ago
263 Never Alone. A thought on the concept of AR VUS, mutual culpability. We are never without God's presence. We as Jews are one body!
2 years ago
My thoughts 262 Sacrifices, a thought on sacrifices especially the Peace offering and the TODAH, Thanksgiving offering.
2 years ago
261 Humility Betul, a thought about humility and the necessity for us to BE A TOOL of God and to be a light unto the nations.
2 years ago
My Thoughts, 260 Can we be happy Today? A look at the world today and do we have the ability to overcome all the challenges that this world tests us with?
2 years ago
259 Priestly Garments. A thought about clothing in general and the specific reason why the High Priest wore the clothing that was commanded by God when he would serve in the Holy Temple.
2 years ago
258 The Olympics and Judaism. What do we learn from the Olympics that connects with our service of God. How do the Olympics, the Special Olympics, and the Paralympics, connect to the book of Tanya?
2 years ago
My Thoughts 257 Beginnings. A discussion about how difficult beginnings help to bring about successful ends! Examples from biblical figures to help us understand the concept. j
2 years ago
256 Health and healing in Judaism. Are we allowed to seed and receive medical attention? Can an Orthodox Jew lead a healthy lifestyle? Advice from the Rambam. What if?
2 years ago
255 An examination of who is a Jewish Slave. Why is the first civil law taught to the Jewish Nation about the Jewish slave?
2 years ago
254, A Positive Lesson from Covid 19. A look at the connection between Covid 19 and Kavod 19 # of the Hebrew word AHCHI, brother. A discussion on how the two ideas connect.
3 years ago
253 How to Kill your Wife, ( with Kindness). A thought on married life and how to deal with all the challenges that it creates. Also a look at intimacy in marriage.
3 years ago
252 Sibling Rivalry, a challenge that began with the first two brothers and has continued all through history even until today. A look at words such as ACHIM, brothers or RAYACHAH, your friend tell us a great deal about this relationship with our sibling!
3 years ago
251 Burial versus Cremation: A thought about the benefits of Burial over Cremation, over and above the fact that Burial is a positive commandment from the Torah.
3 years ago
250 Home versus Work: The challenges of working from home versus working from an office. Gaining an appreciation for a STAY AT HOME MOM!
3 years ago
249 My Thoughts Yosef: A look at how the beginning and end of the Book of Genesis are connected with the lives of Yosef and Adam compared to each other. Also the Gematria of the the numbers 17, 22, and 39.
3 years ago
248 The Jewish Calendar, its importance in our Jewish lives. A discussion of the 4 New Years. The difference between the solar and lunar year.
3 years ago
My Thoughts 247 Make it Happen. Don't wait for success to come to you, Make it happen!
3 years ago
246 Yaakov's Fear and Anxiety. Yaakov was about to meet with his brother Esau who was coming with 400 men. Even though God had promised to protect him yet he still entertained FEAR and ANXIETY, but why?
3 years ago
245 Jacobs Ladder. A thought on the vision of the angels going up and coming down a ladder, why not stairs? A breakdown of the word LADDER in Hebrew and the Gematrias, the numerical values of words connected to our theme.
3 years ago
244 Wells in the Torah, there meaning and significance and the connection between water and Torah
3 years ago
243 Yitzhok as a Parent. What do we learn from Yitzhok and his approach to parenting with his sons, especially Esau.
3 years ago
243 My Thoughts Yitzhok as a parent. Examining how Yitzkhok dealt with two totally different sons and the results of his efforts.
3 years ago
242 My thoughts Imitation. Does God want us to imitate Him or are we free to innovate?
3 years ago
241 My thoughts Punishment. Does God punish us or not?
3 years ago
240 Nothing is an accident. A snapshot of Torah and how the events in the lives of our ancestors were not random, Nothing is an Accident! A great lesson for us in our lives.
3 years ago
239 After having Covid, some of my personal thoughts about my experiences during my bout with Covid.
3 years ago
238 The Priestly Blessing 2. A deeper look at the Priestly Blessing, word by word
3 years ago
3 years ago
A thought on the month of Elul. The story about the King in the field. Bilaam and the Jews who left Egypt.
3 years ago
235 Evil from Birth: A thought as to whether man is created evil or is it a connection to a previous life lived, and he is here to correct his misdeeds?
3 years ago
234 Havdalah. A discussion about the Havdalah service that we perform at the end of the Shabbat. Why do we include a braided candle, wine, and spices in our service?
3 years ago
233 Laughter in Judaism: Is there a place in Orthodox Judaism for laughter?
3 years ago
232 Forgive or file: When someone hurts us do we forgive or do we just file it away and wait for them to err again FILE and then get even angrier then before. So how do we truly forgive?
3 years ago
Tisha B'Av the Ninth of the Hebrew month of Av. We the People, a thought on the state of the world today, the loss of the concept of WE, have we lost the art of Compromise. Hereditary traits!
3 years ago
230 The Loss of Family. A thought connected to the tragedy that occurred in Surfside Florida. A connection to laws of recovering a body from a building that collapses on the Shabbat. The connection to those especially children who have been buried under our secular society and how we should react to them.
3 years ago
My Thoughts 229, The Three weeks, a thought about the 17th of Tamuz and the 9th of Av. In both historical perspective and current times.
3 years ago
228 Reading versus Speaking to God. When you pray do you just look at the words or just recite them without any fore thought. Are you reading to God or are you Speaking to Him?
3 years ago
227 Vision. A look at the spies and also the Binding of Yitzhok and how they relate to our vision of God and His commandments.
3 years ago
226 Leaders 2. More of the qualities that a Leader should possess. everyone is a leader somewhere, if only of themselves. In the end there is only one leader that we can turn to, God Almighty Himself. As it says, " By the word of God they traveled and by the word of God they camped." MASHIACH NOW!
3 years ago
225, Leaders 1. A thought on being a leader, examples from the Torah of and God and His servants. Lessons that we can all use in our lives today!
3 years ago
224 Friends to the End: The importance of friendship to our lives in this world and the next. A story about our 3 friends!
3 years ago
223 86,400: There are 86,400 seconds in a day, the question is what do we do with them, we can not bank them, they are finite, they must be used on the day itself.
3 years ago
222 Moshe's Mission. An overview of all that Moshe had done for the Jewish Nation as their leader and all that he had taught us.
3 years ago
221 Moshe's Mission: A overview of Moshe from his birth through his bringing down the tablets from Mt. Sinai.
3 years ago
220 Crowns in Judaism, from the Giving of the Torah when the Jewish people said the words " we will do and we will listen." Until the crowning of the Messiah may he come quickly and in our time.
3 years ago
219 Patience. The importance of patience. The price for impatience throughout the history of the world.
3 years ago
My Thoughts 218 A verse in Torah, what we can learn from one simple verse in Torah!
3 years ago
217 Blessing, an overview of the blessing of BOREH N'FAWSHOS and how we gain a new appreciation for our deficiencies and addictions.
3 years ago
215 Searching for Chometz. Searching for the Chometz in our hearts so as to allow God to have a residence within our beings.
3 years ago
215 The Last Passover. My thought on the possibility that this may well be the last Passover, a look at the past to better understand our future!
3 years ago
214 Laws 2. A continuation of a discussion of the importance of laws to Judaism and society at large.
3 years ago
213 a two part lecture on the importance and and the necessity of laws, both secular and religious!
3 years ago
212 Flowers and Birds. How we learn, how to attain and retain knowledge.
3 years ago
211 My Thoughts on Purim and how we understand the story and how it connects with our lives today.
3 years ago
My Thoughts 210, Purim, it is a time of the year when we need to turn the WE over and make it ME, think of others help others. Learn from Esther who was willing to put everything on the line for the safety and benefit of her people. Come with me on a journey through the Megillah and hopefully find some new and motivating information.
3 years ago
209 Masks 2. The advantages that we have from wearing a mask. The sin of Loshen Harah and the devastation that it can bring. There are things in life that are best kept masked!
3 years ago
208 Masks 1. Is there any benefit that we have spiritually by wearing a mask. Is wearing a Mask a positive or negative?
3 years ago
207 A tale of two women 2. A discussion about the relationship between Hagar, Yishmael, and Hagar. How are we to understand their relationship? Are we in the 5th exile, that of Yishmael?
4 years ago
206, A tale of two women, a discussion on the relationship between Sawra and Hagar. Its significance in history and today. What can we learn from their story?
4 years ago
Chp.3 verses 23 - 25: Introduction, Moshe realizing that he is about to die and that the people have not prayed to God for him, he offers his own prayers to God in the hope that God will allow him to enter the land of Israel.
4 years ago
4 years ago
203 Listening to God 2. What do we learn from the story of Yaakov, Esau, Yosef, and his brothers, that we can use in our lives today?
4 years ago
4 years ago
201 Chanukah 2020. The holiday of lights, what are we celebrating? History repeating itself, Greek philosophy verses Democracy. Can Mashiach really come in the environment that we live in today?
4 years ago
200 Are we really ready for Mashiach? Just like the Children of Israel, Moshe was able to take them out of Egypt, but he was not able to take Egypt out of the Jews. This state of facts still exist today. Many of us have made our connection to God and Judaism secondary to our allegiance to our host country. Where does our true allegiance rest?
4 years ago
199, How are we doing? A reflection on where the world is today, and where we are and or should be.
4 years ago
198 Kippah. The kippah or Yarmulke, a head covering worn by Jews. The history stories from the Talmud. The connection to Christianity. Why women don't wear a Kippah. What does it signify?
4 years ago
197 Continuation of colors in the world and how they are viewed in Judaism.
4 years ago
196 Colors and there place in life and Judaism.
4 years ago
195, The history and function of clothes in Judaism and life.
4 years ago
194 Clothes, the importance of clothing. The history of clothing in the Torah.
4 years ago
193 Salt. The importance of salt not just in our physical lives but also in our spiritual lives. Little things can make a big difference!
4 years ago
192 What Now. All the holidays are finished WHAT DO WE DO NOW? Where do we go from here?
4 years ago
191 A continuation on the joy of the holiday of Sukot, and the connection to the 8th day of Shemini Atzeras.
4 years ago
190 A time of joy. A discussion as to why we don't eat our matza in a sukah. Also why is it that Sukot is referred to as a time of joy more so than the other festivals. Also how is it possible to go from the greatest time of trepidation to the greatest time of joy in 5 days?
4 years ago
189 Only five more days. We are half way through the 10 days of repentance what should we be thinking about and preparing for?
4 years ago
188 Rosh Hashanah. Thoughts about the year, about prayer, about what our focus should be as we stand before God on this one of the holiest days of the year.
4 years ago
187 Hypocrisy, as seen in both the secular and the spiritual arena.
4 years ago
186 Peer Pressure 3, discussion of positive and negative peer pressure.
4 years ago
185 Peer Pressure 2: The power of Peer Pressure even in the secular world. Parents and peer pressure. Why no commandment to love our parents only God?
4 years ago
184 Peer Pressure 1: A lecture on positive and negative peer pressure with examples found in the books of the Torah.
4 years ago
183 Driver or Passenger. Which are you? Do we all have to drive? Being a passenger. Learning how to Drive. Choosing a driver.
4 years ago
182 Original Sin 2. An analysis of Chava's sin before and after she ate from the Tree. Did man really sin, and why was he punished? How are we to understand the punishment of the Serpent? So is there such a thing as original sin, no everything that happens in the world is orchestrated by God Almighty. What we see again and again, is that everything that God does is for the best.
4 years ago
181 Original Sin. Why did they sin with the Tree of Knowledge? How are we to understand how they could have sinned so quickly and grievously against God?
4 years ago
180 Reward, is there reward for a mitzvah in this world or is it all saved for our spiritual 401k in the next World. What exactly is this great reward that we are seeking in the next world?
4 years ago
179 Do we serve God Almighty out of Obligation or Privilege? Does it make a difference?
4 years ago
178 Worry. A lecture on worrying and how it can be detrimental to us physically mentally and spiritually.
4 years ago
177 Forgiveness. Especially today with the pandemic and the social unrest that plagues our world it is even more important that we be able to forgive and even more so forget!
4 years ago
176a Fail to Succeed. How are we to perceive failure in our lives. we must learn to use failure as an opportunity to grow.
4 years ago
176b, there was a power failure and this lecture was interrupted and then continued.
4 years ago
175 Blessing Children. We bless our daughters with the blessing that they should be like the matriarchs. One would think that we would bless our sons with the names of the patriarchs. Why would we bless them to be like Efriam and Menashe?
4 years ago
174, Reading other people correctly. Most of us are illiterate when it comes to reading others. We learn from the stories of Yosef and Yaakov, to read others and not transfer our thoughts to someone else.
4 years ago
173, Marriage verses Virus. Has the Corona Virus infected your marriage?
4 years ago
172 After Lag B"Omer, 2/3rds of the counting of the Omer is over but we still have time to utilize the remaining days in a positive way, to help our bodies and our souls. This is even more important today in the midst of our pandemic.
4 years ago
170, Paper clips and their function and significance. Story about the PAPER CLIP PROJECT.
4 years ago
170 Stories to help us grow from the Virus. Many times we learn the most from stories and so I've compiled a group of stories that I hope will help us to grow from this moment in history.
4 years ago
169 Prayers for the Corona Virus, though we pray everyday, during this period of difficulty we should concentrate on certain prayer more than others. A discussion on those prayers.
4 years ago
168 Corona Virus 3, My Thoughts on the Corona Virus and a thought on its connection to the holiday of Pesach.
4 years ago
167 this is the 2nd lecture on the Corona Virus. WHAT DOES G-D WANT? Are shuls, are study halls are all closed, we are told to stay home. Where is our "CITY OF REFUGE" in this pandemic?
4 years ago
166 The Corona Virus... What if? How are we supposed to view this Virus. What are we to learn from it. Can it be positive in the end?
4 years ago
165, The Heart, on both a physical and spiritual level.
4 years ago
164 The second lecture on the mitzvah of Tefillin.
4 years ago
Thoughts on the mitzvah of Tefillin.
4 years ago
162 Shema Yisrael 6, the final lecture on the 3rd paragraph of the Shema and the Mitzvah of Tzitzis.
4 years ago
161 Beginning of the 3rd paragraph of the Shema Yisrael, and the mitzvah of Tzitzis.
4 years ago
2nd lecture on the second paragraph of the Shema Yisrael.
5 years ago
159 The beginning of the 2nd paragraph of the Shema Yisrael
5 years ago
158, lecture on the 1st paragraph of the Shema, V'Ahavta
5 years ago
thoughts and meaning of the opening words of the Shema Yisrael. Instruction on what to think of and how to say the phrase.
5 years ago
156 Lion Tamer, all Baalei Teshuvah have a ferocious lion that resides in their minds. Challenge of life to turn the lion into a pussycat and not allow it to attack and eat you up.
5 years ago
Jewish mothers in Torah and Mothers that were not Jewish.
5 years ago
154 Grandparents. Prophecy, that the children will bring their parents back to Yiddishkiet. Examples from the Torah and Hagadah about Grandparents.
5 years ago
153 Blessing at Circumcision. Do we invite guests to a circumcision?
5 years ago
TMI, To much information, Rivkah, Korach, and Shaul
5 years ago
152, Second lecture on Circumcision.
5 years ago
Circumcision its origin and reasons. Understanding all parts of the ritual.
5 years ago
Can we question God, or must we accept everything on pure faith?
5 years ago
Why do we say 100 blessings daily? What is the origin of this command?
5 years ago
Reflections on the Holidays, God has decided to give you a great year, the question is will you be able to see and appreciate the goodness. PERCEPTION
5 years ago
Conclusion of My Thoughts on the topic of Teshuvah connected with the month of Elul.
5 years ago
Continuation of the topic of Teshuvah, repentance, before the day of judgment.
5 years ago
Chp. 14 verses 1 - 20: The people cry in their tents because of the report of the spies. Moshe and Aaron fall on their faces and Calev and Yehoshua tear their clothing. God wants to destroy the nation but Moshe argues with God to at least not destroy them all at once since it would be a chilul Hashem. Moshe evokes the attributes from the 13 that were applicable in this situation. God answers that I will pardon them according to your words.
5 years ago
Truth 2, a review of some facts of first lecture on truth and some amazing facts about truth and numbers.
5 years ago
Honoring parents, why would we be commanded to honor our parents? Why would the command to do so be on the first set of tablets and not the second? Why is it that with honor the father precedes the mother and with fear the mother precedes the father?
5 years ago
What comes first, how do we decide what takes precedence in our decisions in life.
5 years ago
The night before the circumcision, called Lel Shemurim, the night of vigil. Also a discussion of the 3 responses that the guests say at the circumcision, and their meaning.
5 years ago
My thoughts on the fast of the 9th of Av.
5 years ago
Shalom Zachor, what is it? Is it a celebration or a consolation?
5 years ago
What is Earth and Hell. Different opinions on what hell really is.
5 years ago
What is Heaven and the World to Come? The seven Heavens and the seven chambers.
5 years ago
The coming of the Messiah, when will he come, how will he come, why do we want him to come etc.
5 years ago
401k funding our spiritual investment account in Heaven
5 years ago
The Evil Eye is it a superstition or is it a part of Judaism?
5 years ago
The Omer; why do we count the Omer now and what do we accomplish by doing so?
6 years ago
My Thoughts visiting and being a mourner
6 years ago
Gematria of Chuf, number 20
7 years ago
How is the after effects of the holiday of Chanukah different that all other Jewish holidays?
7 years ago
Truth: Should you always tell the truth?
7 years ago
Teamwork: the benefits and necessity of working together and helping others.
7 years ago
Reboot: When everything seems to be out of wack, reboot!
7 years ago
Treasure; dealing with older parents.
7 years ago
Nose; what does your nose have to so with spirituality?
7 years ago
Action: Teshuvah we talk about it we think about it but do we actually do it? The power of one.
7 years ago
2018- is it the year of the Messiah?
7 years ago
Affection, and how it plays such an important place in our lives. Not to be afraid of be loving to all those around us, especially our children.
7 years ago
Regrets, five regrets of the dying, by Bronnie Ware. How they match up to the Torah's perspective. Choose happiness not regret.
7 years ago
Is it better to have more or less?
7 years ago
Genetics, physical and spiritual and how they effect us.
7 years ago
Who are you? Who defines who you are? Whom should you be?
7 years ago
Who are you? Who defines who you are? Whom should you be?
7 years ago
Choices, we are judged by our choices. Which one's serve G-d and which one's serve ourselves.
7 years ago
Humility, the greatest trait of them all!
7 years ago
Apologizing to G-d verses man!
7 years ago
Apologizing, doing it right !! The does and don'ts. The three R's
7 years ago
Punishment, secular verses religious.
7 years ago
Guilt, is it good or bad? Does it come from the side of good or evil?
7 years ago
Sin different levels and degrees of sin. Why did G-d put the ability to sin into the world?
7 years ago
Consistency the key to religion and life it makes everything easier on everyone!
7 years ago
Work is it a blessing or a Curse? Is it a necessity of life or is it a mitzvah?
7 years ago
How to achieve excellence in all the arenas of your life.
7 years ago
Nature, continuation on the topic of teachers. If G-d had not given us the Torah we still could have learned about Torah values from nature.
7 years ago
Teachers, people in our lives and even before we are born that help us to learn and grow.
7 years ago
Age, the contrast of how we look at age and aging through the secular world and through Torah.
7 years ago
The Race: When it comes to prayer, losing the race is much better than winning it!
7 years ago
Anne's story, "Fire." A story about lighting Shabbos candles and the light and understanding that it brought into our lives. It's not enough to thank G-d for all that He does for us, we are also obligated to tell others about His goodness!
7 years ago
My Story epilogue and overview.
7 years ago
Part two of "A Tale of two Porters" Berel, now attempts to pass the same three tests that Boris had failed and Boris watches!
7 years ago
Story written by me, A tale of two porters. Part 1, Boris.
7 years ago
Why does the Torah bother to tell us stories? What do we learn from hearing stories?
7 years ago
Gossip, Lashon Harah, the history of it. The damage that it has done and that it does to the world. The power that it gives to Satan.
8 years ago
Truth, one of G-ds names. The creation of the world began and ended with "emet" truth. The importance and the benefits of telling the truth. Torah connections to the concept of truth. Story about truth.
8 years ago
The beauty and benefits of the Shabbos!
8 years ago
The impact that impatience has had on the world since creation. The importance of patience in all facets of one's life.
8 years ago
How Boredom can be both a positive and a negative trait. The importance of finding structure and excitement in everything we do.
8 years ago
Amein, picking up diamonds. The power and reward for saying this one word!
8 years ago
Time the essence of life, how we use it and how we should use it.
8 years ago
All experiences in life even those that are bitter are given to us to make us better,stronger, humbler, and more compassionate people.
8 years ago
Why do good things happen to bad people?
8 years ago
Continues with how and what we thank G-d for.
8 years ago
Blessings, the origin, who are we blessing, the power of a blessing.
8 years ago
Friendship the most precious possession one can possess.
8 years ago
Understanding sleep and dreams as it relates to G-d and religion.
8 years ago
Food and how it effects our spirituality.
8 years ago
How exercise and religion are similar to each other.
8 years ago
Converts, why convert, where do they come from, why are so beloved to Hashem?
8 years ago
The importance of smiling :-)
8 years ago
The four descriptions of someone who gives charity, mentioned in Pirke Avos, and some commentary.
8 years ago
Rambam's 8 levels of charity and more.
8 years ago
Understanding charity, why give, who do we give to, how much, how often.
8 years ago
Anti Antisemitism, who do they hate and why.
8 years ago
Why does G-d need angels? What do we learn?
8 years ago
Jewish names, what's in a name?
8 years ago
Continuation of the command to love your neighbor as yourself.
8 years ago
The commandment to love your friend as your self.
8 years ago
What are Mitzvot? Why do we need them?
8 years ago
Giving and receiving advice, secular and religious.
8 years ago
Jealousy, coveting and desire. The ritual of the Sotah. The 10th commandment " thou shalt not covet."
8 years ago
Jealousy connected to envy and desire. Jealousy the destruction that it can cause. The 10th commandment, "Thou shalt not covet."
8 years ago
Fear fight, flight, Motivation, Innovation. Positive or negative? Connection to G-d and religion.
9 years ago
Arrogance, humility, G-d abhors anyone with an ego.
9 years ago
Anger, Why the Rambam says that one should never get angry.
9 years ago
Tips on keeping a marriage strong and healthy, a masterpiece in progress!
9 years ago
Finding a mate, a "shidduch" why it's so important and why it's so difficult for some people. Some advice!
9 years ago
Divorce, even the alter weeps! The challenges to both parties and especially the children.
9 years ago
Marriage, being right, sex, money, illness, final thoughts.
9 years ago
Dealing with ego, anger, and communication.
9 years ago
Soul mate, B'sharte, not an accident, compromise
9 years ago
Introduction, origin of marriage, knowing your spouse
9 years ago
mourning connection to deceased, visiting mourner, reason for saying kaddish, tombstone.
9 years ago
What is Heaven and why work to get there?
9 years ago
money gift from G-d or distraction from Satan?
9 years ago
9 years ago
Why do babies have babies? and other thoughts.
9 years ago
thoughts on prayer on the High Holidays.
9 years ago
PRAYER- P lease R espond A fter Y OU E xamine R equest. Understanding prayer.
9 years ago
prayer its origin and its purpose.
9 years ago
Mental pain and fear, and how should one cope with someone else's pain.
9 years ago
Is pain good or bad?
9 years ago
Is pain good or bad?
9 years ago
Why do bad things happen to good people?
9 years ago
Happiness it's a conscious choice
9 years ago
Why be religious,What's in it for me?
9 years ago
Why be religious, What's in it for me?
Continues with the question can you prove that there is a G-d?
9 years ago
Continues with the question can you prove that there is a G-d?
9 years ago
Is death good or bad?
9 years ago
can you prove that there is a G-d?
2 years ago
My thoughts 270 Teruma, the special gift that is given to the Cohen. A thought on the first of the Tithing that is given exclusively to the Cohen and his family.
9 years ago
What is success?