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My Thoughts 360 Blinded but Why

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2 days ago
My Thoughts 360 Blinded but why? A look at the assassination attempt on President Trump's life from a Torah perspective!

My Thoughts 360a Blinded but Why

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2 days ago
My Thoughts 360a blinded but why? A look at the assassination attempt on the life of President Trump from a religious perspective!

My Thoughts 359 A Deeper Understanding of the Amidah

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1 week ago
359 My Thoughts, A deeper understanding of the Amidah. This lecture is an introduction to the Amidah prayer that we recite 3 times daily!

My Thoughts 358 A Special Blessing in Prayers

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2 weeks ago
358 My Thoughts A special blessing in prayers. A deeper understanding of the 11th blessing in the Amidah, the standing prayer!

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