
Ki Teitzei

Ki Teitzei 1

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2 years ago
Chp. 21 verses 10 & 11: An introduction about the portion. The Torah tells us about war and if you find a beautiful captive what you can and cannot do. Understanding the concept on different levels.

Ki Teitzei 2

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2 years ago
Chp. 21 verses 12 - 17: Continuing with the laws about the Beautiful captive. The portion continues with the laws of inheritance. When a man marries two women, one he hates and one he loves, he must give the son who is the firstborn a double portion from his estate, even though he may be the son of the wife that he hated!

Ki Teitzei 3

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2 years ago
Chp. 21 verses 18 - 23: In this lecture we discuss the laws of the Rebellious son. Even though the Talmud states that there was never a case of a Rebellious son still there are many lessons that we learn from this supposed scenario.

Ki Teitzei 4

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2 years ago
Chp. 22 verses 1 - 5: The chapter begins with the laws of returning a lost animal or article to your brother. The laws of helping your brother load his animal. The prohibition of men wearing women's clothing and visa versa.

Ki Teitzei 5

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2 years ago
Chp. 22 verses 6 - 9: Begins with the laws of a bird's nest, placing a railing around one's roof, and mixed agriculture.

Ki Teitzei 6

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2 years ago
Chp. 22 verses 10 - 21: The lecture begins with forbidden combinations, such as plowing with a ox and a donkey, or the wearing of wool and linen together. The laws about a man accusing his new bride of not being a virgin. Torah, deals with both scenarios whether she is innocent or guilty.

Ki Teitzei 7

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2 years ago
Chp. 22 verses 22 -- 29: The lecture begins with the penalty for adultery. It then goes on to discuss the Betrothed Maiden, rape, and the unmarried girl. Chp.23 verses 1 - 7: Begins with the law about marrying his father's woman. It continues with the law concerning mutilated genitals. Then the laws of the bastard, the Ammonite and the Moabite and their restrictions.

Ki Teitzei 8

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2 years ago
chp. 23 verses 8 - 17: Continues with accepting converts from the Edomites and the Egyptians, but they reach full status only in the 3rd generation. The command to keep your camp free of anything that would cause the Divinity of God to leave. It finishes with the law of sheltering a runaway slave that has come to the Land of Israel to convert, he should not be returned to his original master even a Jew!

Ki Teitzei 9

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2 years ago
Chp. 23 verses 18 - 26: This lecture deals with the prohibitions of Prostitution and Homosexuality. Also the prohibition of charging interest to a fellow Jew. The requirement to charge a Gentile interest unless they are destitute. Not to make vows to God and to fulfill all the promises that one makes even to people. and finally the laws of a farm worker.

Ki Teitzei 10

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2 years ago
Chp. 24 verses 1 - 5: The laws and thoughts that deal with divorce and marriage

Ki Teitzei 11

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2 years ago
Chp. 24 verses 6 - 16: The laws of taking collateral, kidnapping, Leprosy, are all discussed. In addition, not to take any collateral from the borrowers house. You must return a night garment each night. Not to withhold the wages of a worker. Each man dies for his own transgressions.

Ki Teitzei 12

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2 years ago
Chp. 24 verses 18 - 22: The lecture begins with laws concerning widows, orphans, and converts. It continues with the laws of forgotten sheaves in the field in addition to laws about trees and vineyards. Chp. 25 verses 1 & 2: Begins with a statement of righteous justice and continues with the punishment of lashes.

Ki Teitzei 13

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2 years ago
Chp. 25 verses 3 - 19: Begins with the punishment of 40/39 lashes. Continues with the laws of the wife of a married brother who dies without children. The laws of the assailant and then the laws of weights and measures. The portion ends with the law of remembering Amalek!

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