

Shelach 1

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5 years ago
Chp, 13 verses 1 - 17: God tells Moshe that he should send spies into the of Canaan. At this time these 12 men that are listed are considered righteous, equal to the princes of the tribes. Moshe adds a yud to Hoshea's name changing it to Yehoshua. The reasons why Moshe changed Yehoshua's name.

Shelach 2

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5 years ago
Chp. 13 verses 17 - 26: Moshe sends the spies to spy out the land. He sends them to the south. He gives them instructions about what they should look for. He also tells them to bring back some produce from the land. They bring a cluster of grapes, a fig, and a pomegranates. It only takes them 40 days to spy out the land. Ony Calev goes to Hebron to the graves of the Forefathers. They return with their report to Moshe and the people.

Shelach 3

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5 years ago
Chp, 13 verses 27 - 33: The report of the spies about the land and Calev's attempt to counter the negative report of the spies.

Shelach 4

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5 years ago
Chp. 14 verses 1 - 20: The people cry in their tents because of the report of the spies. Moshe and Aaron fall on their faces and Calev and Yehoshua tear their clothing. God wants to destroy the nation but Moshe argues with God to at least not destroy them all at once since it would be a chilul Hashem. Moshe evokes the attributes from the 13 that were applicable in this situation. God answers that I will pardon them according to your words.

Shelach 5

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5 years ago
Chp. 14 verses 21 - 37: G-d tells Moshe that He would do as Moshe had asked and not kill out the whole generation at once but they would die over the course of the 40 years in the desert. They would wander in the desert one year for each day that they spied out the land. They would have their words fulfilled they would die in the desert without burial. The ten spies would die a horrible death . Only Calev and Yehoshua would live and enter the land.

Shelach 6

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5 years ago
Chp. 14 verses 38 - 45 Chp. 15 verses 1 - 16: Yehoshua and Calev are the only two men of the spies and the generation that left Egypt that lived to enter the land of Israel. The people disregard Moshe's instruction and they go up the mountain to fight the Canaanites, and they are all killed. Chp. 15 begins with the promise that their children will enter the land. Continues with the laws of the meal offerings and the libations even with personal sacrifices.

Shelach 7

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4 years ago
chpl 15 verses 17 - 31: Begins with the laws of Challah. Continues with the laws of serving idols by mistake and concludes with the laws of rebelling against God with intent.

Shelach 8

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4 years ago
Chp. 15 verses 32 - 41: Begins with the person who gathers wood on the Shabbos, who is put to death by the Congregation. Ends with the command to put fringes TZITZITS, on the 4 corners of one's garments.

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