

Tzav 1

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8 years ago
Chp. 6 verses 1 - 3: Introduction, the command to Aaron and his sons concerning the burning of the "olah" and the removal of the ashes from the alter. Deals with the alacrity and enthusiasm that the priest should employ when they brought up the sacrifices of the people in the Temple. Also the earthly and heavenly fires that burnt on the alter continuously.

Tzav 2

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7 years ago
Chp. 6 verses 4 - 9: The priest would change his clothing and take the mound of ashes from the alter to a clean place outside the camp. The command to keep the fire on the alter burning continuously. The laws of the "Minchah" the meal offering.

Tzav 3

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7 years ago
Chp. 6 verses 10 - 21: Continues with the "Minchah" the meal offering of a poor person. Next the meal offering brought by a priest on the first day of his inauguration, and the meal offering of the High Priest that was brought everyday, half in the morning and half in the afternoon. The sin offering is described next, and that it was brought in the same place that the burnt offering was offered. Anything that touched the sacrifice or its blood would take on the same status as the sacrifice itself. Finishes with the vessels that the sacrifice would be cooked in; an earthenware vessel would be broken after it was used and a copper vessel would be washed and scoured and used again.

Tzav 4

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7 years ago
Chp. 6 verses 21 - 23 Chp. 7 verses 1 - 12: Continues with the sin offering. The earthen ware vessel in which the meat was cooked had to be broken. A copper vessel could be scoured and rinsed and used again. Only male priests in a state of purity and in a holy place could partake of the offering. If the blood was sprinkled in the tent the whole sacrifice was invalid and would have to been burnt. Chp. 7, begins with the laws of the guilt offering. It was sacrificed in the same place that the burnt offering was. Both the sin offering and the guilt offering shared the same laws in order to attain atonement for the penitent. The priests who brought the sacrifice kept the hide. The meal offering was divided equally among the priests who were in attendance. Continues with the laws of the peace offering. The thanksgiving offering was a type of peace offering, it was brought with forty loaves of bread and matzoh.

Tzav 5

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7 years ago
Chp. 7 verses 12 - 21: Continues with the laws of the thanksgiving offering, and the breads that were offered with it. The meat could only be eaten for one day and the following night, whereas other peace offerings could be eaten on the next day as well until sunset. Anything that was left over would be burnt on the third day. If when bringing his sacrifice the owner had in mind that he would eat the sacrifice on the third day it would make his sacrifice invalid it would become "Pigul" disgusting. Any clean meat that would touch meat that was defiled could not be eaten and would have to burnt. On the other hand, anyone who was clean could eat from the peace offering. If he was unclean and ate from a peace offering his soul would be cut off from his people.

Tzav 6

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7 years ago
Chp. 7 verses 22 - 38: Begins with the prohibition of eating sacrificial fats even from animals that were not slaughtered properly or that died due to some physical disability. Also the prohibition of eating blood of a fowl or beast. Both of these sins would carry the penalty of excision. Continues with the priest portion, the thigh and the breast given from the peace offering, which were waved by the owner together with the priest. The chapter ends with the words "this is the law.....which G-d commanded Moshe at Mt. Sinai.....to present their offerings to Hashem in the wilderness of Sinai."

Tzav 7

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7 years ago
Chp. 8 verses 1 - 21: The installation of the priests. This portion is placed next to the clothing of the priest to teach us that just as the sacrifices bring atonement so too the clothing of the priest bring atonement. The connection with Aaron and the Mishkan and Adam and the sin of the eating from the tree of knowledge and the creation of the world. Moshe dresses Aaron and his sons in their priestly garments. He anoints Aaron and all the vessels in the Tabernacle with oil. Moshe does everything as G-d had commanded him.

Tzav 8

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7 years ago
Chp. 8 verses 22 - 36: Continues with the induction of Aaron and his sons into the service of the priesthood. This was the last day that Moshe served as a Priest in the Tabernacle. He placed the blood of the ram on the right ear, right thumb, and the right big toe of Aaron and his sons. He sprinkled the blood and the oil on them and their clothing. He told them to stay in the Mishkan for the seven days of consecration. They did all the things which G-d had commanded through the hand of Moshe.

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