

Vayikra 1

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8 years ago
Chp. 1 verse 1: Introduction and connection to previous book and sedra. Hashem calls out to Moshe. Why the small "Aleph." Why did Hashem have to call him?

Vayikra 2

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8 years ago
Chp. 1 verse 2: An introduction to sacrifices and their significance. How bringing up an animal sacrifice brings us closer to Hashem.

Vayikra 3

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8 years ago
Chp. 1 verses 3 - 7: The ritual of the "Olah" burnt offering of a male cattle. The slaughtering, the placing of the hands on the animal, the collection of the blood, the sprinkling of the blood on the four corners of the alter. Then the animal is skinned and cut into pieces and the priest places it on the fire.

Vayikra 4

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8 years ago
Chp. 1 verses 8 - 14: conclusion of the ritual of the animal "Olah" burnt offering. Continues with the poor mans burnt offering of a turtle dove or a pigeon.

Vayikra 5

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8 years ago
Chp. 1 verses 15 - 17 Chp. 2 verse 1: Continues with the "Olah" the burnt offering of the bird. Description and explanation of the ritual of "Melika." The priest cuts with his nail against the nape of the neck of the bird and cuts its neck until he reaches the windpipe and the gullet. The blood is pressed against the wall of the alter. The crop is removed and thrown on the east side of the ramp of the alter. Then the bird with its wing feathers are burnt on the alter. Chp. 2, begins with the meal offering which is brought from fine flour, oil, and frankincense.

Vayikra 6

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8 years ago
Chp. 2 verses 2 - 13: Continues with the "Mincah" meal offering. Which consisted of fine flour, oil, frankincense, and salt. There were five different ways that the offering could be prepared. This corresponded to the five live sacrifices that a person could bring, so that the poor man would feel proud of the gift that he was offering to Hashem. The prohibtion of bringing any leaven or honey (fruit juice) on the alter. Finishes with the command that all sacrifices must be brought with salt.

Vayikra 7

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8 years ago
Chp. 2 verses 13 -16 Chp. 3 verses 1 - 17: Continues with the comments on salt used in all sacrifices, and the Omer sacrifice. Chp. 3, The next sacrifice mentioned is the "shelamim" the peace offering. The section describes the animals brought, and which parts are given to Hashem and brought up a as a sacrifice on the alter.

Vayikra 8

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8 years ago
Chp. 4 verses 1 - 26: The sin offering of the High Priest. The sin offering of the community because of the high court. Sin offering for the King.

Vayikra 9

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8 years ago
Chp. 4 verses 27 - 35 Chp. 5 verses 1 - 3: The sin offering of a commoner. Female goats and female sheep as a sin offering. Description of the rituals connected with the sacrifice. Chp. 5 begins with sin of not testifying about something that you have seen or know that would help another person in court. Continues with the Adjustable guilt offering, "Asham."

Vayikra 10

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8 years ago
Chp. 5 verses 4 - 13: The laws concerning the korban "Olah V'yoreid" the adjustable guilt offering. Animal for a rich man, birds for a poor man, and flour for a very poor man. The designation is not decided at the time of the sin but depends on the financial situation of the sinner at the time that the sacrifice is brought.

Vayikra 11

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8 years ago
Chp. 5 verses 14 - 26: The lecture opens with the sacrifice for Misappropriation, "M'Elah." Continues with the offering for Questionable Guilt, "Asham." The portion ends with the offerings for Dishonesty. The necessity to return the stolen object and the addition of a fifth payed to the owner.

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