

Vayishlach 1

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11 years ago
Chp. 32 verses 4 - 8: Introduction, Yaakov sends messengers to Esau. He is told that he is coming to meet him with four hundred men. He is afraid and distressed by the news and he divides all that he has into two camps.

Vayishlach 2

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11 years ago
Chp. 32 verses 9 - 13: Yaakov divides his possessions into two camps. Then he prays to Hashem to save him from his brother Esau.

Vayishlach 3

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11 years ago
Chp. 32 verses 14 - 25: Yaakov separates the animals that he will send to Esau, and tells his servants exactly what to say to his brother. He moves his family and possessions across the stream of Jabbok. He returns for some small jars that he had forgotten and there he encounters a man that he wrestles with.

Vayishlach 4

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11 years ago
Chp. 32 verses 25 - 33: Yaakov wrestles with Esau's angel and is victorious. However, the angel is able to injure him in his thigh. He will not allow the angel to leave until his receives a blessing. G-d makes the sun rise early so that Yaakov can be healed from his injury. To commemorate this event Hashem commands us not to eat the "gid ha nashaw" the sciatic nerve.

Vayishlach 5

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11 years ago
Chp. 33 verses 1 - 20: Yaakov and Esau finally meet and they part in peace.

Vayishlach 6

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10 years ago
Chp. 34 verses 1 - 24: Dinah the daughter of Yaakov is raped by Shechem the prince of the city. He falls in love with her and wants to marry her. He and his father approach Yaakov and his sons asking for their permission. They say that they will only agree on the condition that they and all the male inhabitants of the city circumcise themselves. They agree, and do so immediately. They then convince all the men in the city to do the same.

Vayishlach 7

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10 years ago
Chp. 34 verse 24 - 31 Chp. 35 verses 1 - 13: All the men of the city of Shechem allow themselves to be circumcised. On the third day after their circumcision Shimon and Levi kill out Shem, Chamor, and all the men. They take Dinah and all the brothers loot the city. Yaakov criticizes them for their act. Chp. 35, Hashem tells Yaakov to build Him an alter. He tells his household to purify themselves. He goes to Bais El and he builds an alter there and names it for the place. Devorah dies there an he buries her under the oak. Hashem gives him a new name, Yisrael, and once again promises him the land.

Vayishlach 8

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10 years ago
Chp. 35 verses 14 - 31 chp. 36 verse 1 - 43: Rachel gives birth to Binyamin. She dies in childbirth and is buried outside of Bethlehem. Yaakov places a headstone on her grave. Ruevain moves the bed of his father. Torah lists the twelve sons of Yaakov. Yitzhok dies at the age of 180 and is buried by Esau and Yaakov. Chp. 36 lists the genealogy of the descendants of Esau.

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